قرآن و معارف قرآنی
Semantic Analysis of the Word "Sawwal" in the Qur'an with Emphasis on the Semantic Fields of Companionship and Succession

Habibullah Halimi Jolodar؛ Fateme Qorbani Laktarashani؛ Sakineh Abbasi Karani Sakineh Abbasi Karani

دوره 15، شماره 56 ، فروردین 1403، ، صفحه 1-23


  Examining the meaning of the words in the Qur'an plays a significant and special role in understanding the purpose of God and the precise application of divine commands. Semantics of the Qur'an is a methodical interpretation of the subject that, if based on the principles of the Qur'an, is able to present the meaning of words to mankind in the form of a divine worldview and explain it. Also the theory of semantic domain is very helpful in studying the semantic structure of words of any language and explaining the semantic limits of its lexical elements, because every word adopts a part of its meaning ...  بیشتر